Meet Dr. K. Srikala Ganapathy, Founder of ‘Science Shore (E- Magazine) – Where Science Meets Life’ Shares Her Story

Meet Founder of ‘Science Shore’

I am Dr. K. Srikala Ganapathy, Founding Editor of Science Shore, an online magazine based in Chennai.  I have passion for education – academics, teaching, writing and research.

I completed Ph d in Botany, interdisciplinary Microbiology.

I have presented papers in various National and international seminars with great enthusiasm and won several prizes and awards. I have written several educative articles for The Hindu Newspaper, Education plus section. My short stories and poems are published both in print and online. I am an experienced teacher.

When and how did you think about Science Shore?

I was always interested in academics and still love, especially life sciences and have thirst for knowledge, creativity and innovation. Somehow, learning has always inspired and uplifted me. After marriage, I was inspired to pursue PhD. My research interest was to explore the roots of traditional knowledge (medicinal plants) and scientifically investigate and validate their potential bio-activity.

The whole research process right from collecting literature data, sampling, experimentation, presentation of research work in various national seminars and conferences for the sheer joy to share and learn, interaction with subject experts and peer research scholars, winning presentation prizes and awards and publication of papers in scientific journals to defending Viva was an exciting and a great learning experience.

I was also passionately teaching Biology and English in schools and did meaningful voluntary work, conducting science workshops for children to reach out Science.

All this gave me much satisfaction. Nearing forty, my hearing capacities suddenly deteriorated. I was shocked and scared. One to one and small group conversations I managed well enough and phone conversation is quite a challenge. Series of visits to expert doctors and audiologists followed. Tests were done and I was informed that I suffered from sensory neural hearing loss.

Doctors said it could be due to damage to hair cells in the inner ears. Hearing aids came as a solution and I began using them, though not of much help in terms of clarity. I underwent lowest and frustrating moments.

Slowly, I started to let go of negative thoughts, accept and face the challenge with grace. I told myself, let me count on the blessings I have and not focus on what I don’t have. I then successfully completed Ph D.

The journey had been long and challenging but was fulfilling. I am thankful to Almighty that my perseverance and will power finally paid off.

However, professional and teaching activities considerably reduced due to my hearing issues. I self affirmed, let me not think of what I cannot do but sincerely do the best of what I can do. I then decided to channelize my time and broaden my horizon by writing scientific and general articles, stories for children and poems.

I also taught small group of slow learners, – girls, from economically less background to empower them in basic reading, knowledge and confidence building that will help them ultimately to lead their lives independently and find jobs and financial security.

Unfolding of Science Shore:

I still felt something amiss in my life. I had constant inner drive or passion within me to create something.

Science Shore Logo

Passion pushed me to reflect on blessings and on certain positive aspects of life. When I started to think of possibilities, I got inspired why not create a learning platform of knowledge and creativity? As a passionate educator, I also felt it is important and it is also my responsibility to provide good useful content to learners and seekers of knowledge. Plus, the passion to create something makes me happy and will give me a unique identity.

I discussed this idea with my cousin, Sreepradha. She loved the idea and got motivated to join me .Thus the initiative, Science Shore (Online website – English multimedia magazine) unfolded, a collaborative platform for right knowledge and creativity sharing and to kindle spirit of learning. Thus, I turned my passion into a meaningful start up venture. Science Shore was founded in May 2020.

From whom you got inspiration to start Science Shore?

I got inspiration from my Professors who sowed seeds of love for Science and learning. So, I guess this kindled my dream that I want to do something in the field of education.

Science Shore Team

I have a solid team as the backbone. Our editorial and advisory team members are dedicated and experienced signifying their academic excellence. Story will not be complete without gratefully appreciating sincere efforts and support of my resourceful team of editors and advisors.

My team members:

Ms. Sreepradha Venkatramanan – Web designer and Managing Editor

Science Shore – Editorial team:

Rtd. Prof. Latha Prem Sakhya

Ms. Sujatha Varadarajan

Dr. Thirupurasundari C J

Dr. K Veena Gayathri.

Science Shore Advisors:

Ms. Annapurna Sharma

Ms. Malathi

Explain more about Science Shore. How is it different from other platforms?

Science Shore, e magazine offers multi disciplinary content – This format helps in multidimensional learning. Science means Knowledge. I experimented with the idea of bringing in Science, arts, literature in one platform.

Science Shore e- magazine is a holistic integrated approach to learning and development of one’s potential by exploring different subjects like Scientific/ Medical, Psychological / Self development, Creative (literary or artistic) aspects in a single space.

This model creates more scope to enhance learning and interest. Readers can also choose to browse and read topics of their interest. Idea is to keep in stride with the core vision of the magazine at the same time with a reader centric approach. This idea is appreciated by our contributors and readers as well.

Content is relevant to all ages. Our content contributors and readers are spread over the world. They are from India and abroad.

Vibrant platform – Science Shore Magazine, a free forum features rich variety of content on a range of subjects from contributors from different backgrounds and from different age groups across the world. It is a beautiful feeling that the magazine has appealed to both young and old.

We receive contributions from talented, experienced pool of contributors- Academicians, Professors, Doctors, Teachers, Writers, Poets, Artists and Professionals from various fields.

Amazing scientific articles with simple explanation of science concepts substantiated with visual representation covering various topics and current research and development is one interesting and informative section of the magazine.

Other sections include collection of original poems, short stories, thought provoking articles on interesting and wide range of themes. Beautiful art and hobby section comprising work from young and old demonstrating creativity is another feature. Besides, we have launched multimedia content on various subjects in Science Shore YouTube channel.

Poetry audio clips and demonstration videos and presentations of experts covering Science concepts and recent research and developments, art videos and more are uploaded.  We also have series of audios and videos – exploring various topics like Nutrition, English communication learning, Mental health, Concept of emotional intelligence, time theme and more.

It is heartening to have children and young adults who regularly and enthusiastically contribute good, useful educative and inspiring content and also share their creative talents with Science Shore. The content published in Science Shore magazine is circulated to subscribers quarterly via email newsletters. Registration is free to subscribe for Science Shore.

Science Shore content has been featured in The Hindu, Young world web platform.

To sum up, Science Shore aims to leave no stone unturned to help readers in giving quality meaningful educative and interesting content.

Science shore is run with collective strength from everyone – team members, contributors and readers. By Divine will, right people have joined and they stay with us. Our contributors have faith in us. The commitment and constant support of our contributors is heartwarming.

We are humbled by the love and appreciation we have received from readers. By the Grace of Almighty, I am blessed with beautiful right people. I could re discover passion and purpose of my life. I am thankful to everyone- my team, contributors and readers for helping me to make this initiative successful.

We completed our first Anniversary in April 2021.

What challenges did you face and How did you overcome?

Firstly, we too faced pandemic related challenges as we launched the magazine and released the first issue in May 2020. As run by women, we also had challenges to handle self, family, job responsibilities and the passion project. I guess, our like-mindedness and passion and vision were in sync that helped us to overcome the difficulties.

I think empathy and mutual understanding between team members also played an important role. Personally, with my hearing issues communication in phone was a bit of challenge. Somehow, I managed to network, coordinate and communicate with my team, contributors and readers through whatsapp messages or mails.

Never giving up has always been my strength. It has been loads of learning experience to me from the scratch.  Personally, I am proud of working on my passionate project that gives me happiness and satisfaction.

It is a long road ahead. But we will continue to move forward and strive to work hard with passion gifting knowledge to ourselves and sharing the gift with the world.

What is the current path and Science Shore funding status?

Our magazine is slowly and steadily growing. We have seen growth through value addition of readers and contributors. Currently, we are not funded. I am investing from my savings to run the magazine. Our plan is to expand the readership base.

In future, we are planning for collaboration and organizing webinars and contests.

Science Shore Website | Facebook | Instagram

Dr. K. Srikala shared a few words about VID

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