Meet Ruby Dhalla, A Gorgeous Lady by Looks, But A Commendable Strong Woman in Her Career

Ruby Dhalla’s story and facts will give you a glimpse of her career path and also inspire you for your future goals.

Name: Ruby Dhalla

Place of Birth : Winnipeg, Manitoba

Currently Living: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

10 Amazing Facts to Know about Ruby Dhalla:

#1. Dhalla was born to an emigrated family from Punjab, India. She was only 10 to grab an international attention.

#2. The ad on TV about the disastrous incident of Punjab’s Golden Temple disturbed her a lot. She wrote a letter to Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister with an appeal to settle down things round the table instead of performing violent acts. She also asked if she could be of help by any means. Gandhi responded to her mail and she was assassinated before she could meet her in person. However, her letter was referred to during a press conference by Gandhi.

#3. Dhalla was academically blessed and attained her Bachelor in Science (Biochemistry), with a minor on Political Science. She was also selected as a Rhodes Scholarship Nominee from Manitoba.

#4. Dhalla attained a Doctor’s Degree in Chiropractic after she moved to Toronto from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Ruby also founded a chain of multidisciplinary health care clinics in the Toronto region.

#5. She has also worked as an actor in an Indian film named, Kyon? Kis Liye? The film was shot in Hamilton, Ontario.

#6. Ruby has also participated in Miss India Pageant, 1993 and stood second in the competition.

#7. She has worked with a number of political campaigns and volunteered for various elections.

#8. Dhalla was one of the youngest and first Liberals in Manitoba to have supported Paul Martin.

#9. She was among the rare Indians who was elected and selected outside India.

#10. Dhalla is among those inspiring women who has stood and fought for minorities, constituents, and women.

Motivational Factor:

This drop dead gorgeous woman can confuse many people for her beauty and strength. She is a perfect example of beauty with brains. Watch some of her interviews and you will find the answer by yourself. Her figure hugging skirts and her witty brain describes her beauty style as well as her thought process in a beautiful manner. Although, she looks like a sensitive and delicate pretty girl, when she talks, she makes the audience quite by her spontaneity of answering questions.

Dhalla was passionate to enter politics at a tender age only. Ruby was 35, when she was globally admired for her intelligence and aggressive way of questioning of the government. She has been surrounded by tough times in way of accusations and allegations imposed against her. However, she has turned out to be as confident and energetic always to stand still for her rights.

I truly admire her looks and at the same time, her courage that she displays in fighting for women and their rights. Despite being in Canada at the time when the Golden Temple incident took place, she realized her love for politics and serving people. She truly believes that irrespective of young or old, weak or bold, if you have the desire to make a difference in the world, you need to stand up and speak for yourself. It is how she got herself into politics as that is the only subject where you fight for your rights in favor of your people.

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There was a time when Ruby had no one in a secluded area except for her small family to live with. There were challenges of her being an Indian. They have seen their own phase of poverty and struggling days. During their struggling period, they couldn’t afford a hamburger to eat. Ruby loves her younger brother Neil who stood up for her always as a brother should. On a very personal side, Ruby’s father left the family when she was just 10. Thankfully Ruby’s mother was educated at the time when not many women were given this opportunity in India.

Her mother came to Canada after resigning from a good job in India. Ruby gives the credit of this courage to her mother, who became a Regional Head for a bank due to her qualifications. There was a time when her mother worked for two jobs to make her family survive. I salute to parents like them who bring up their kids to become better individuals. I truly believe that a parent’s sacrifice is never left unnoticed. My best wishes are with Ruby Dhalla.

Shruti Sharma: A dedicated, loyal and amazing woman, Shruti Sharma is a post graduate in Management (M.COM) and before joining VID as a senior author, she worked as a freelance writer for more than 3 years. Her unique style of writing and original quotes are loved by the readers. She is passionate about writing, dancing, music, and sketching.

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