Rags to riches, meet 23 yr-old wonder kid : Rahul Kumar #HisStory

I met this kid 4 years back at an event pitching up his idea of having his own start up. He was confident and energetic but his motto for start up was missing. He talked about his B-plan in a very simple way. We initially were not interested to hear up this up.

For him what matters was money earning capacity that what an aspiring entrepreneur should never think off.

He was not selected for pitching up in the finals. Unlike every other participant, there was something charming about this 19-year old kid then.

He was happy with his rejection and that left me completely astonished so what made him celebrate his failure. At the end of the event, I talked to him about that and I might say his answer were some sort of confidence but most probably over-confident.

He told me that people had rejected him today but these were the people who would call them for the same. It left me baffled and I too considered one of normal kind of boy with dreams on paper.

Years passed by and it was 12th May, 2019 when we had organized a talk event for youths on the issue of “Turning Dreams To Realities”. The event was at Hotel Accord in Ranchi where the high officials had made their presence.

While speakers names were rolling out, I could see some familiar face but I was not so much concerned about that. He had his number at 3 and I called out his name.

When I saw him stepping up, was this the same guy we rejected him. Now, he had come to address his success story. I was taken a back. When he started speaking up, it was the same attitude that I found 4 years back but now things were different.

The day I realize dreams and motivation can come from any directions. And, this child is really a wonder kid that too just 23 years old.

His name is RAHUL KUMAR hailing from Jharkhand and completing his engineering in 2019 from Bhubaneswar.


1. One of highest paid engineers across the country rejected a job worth 80 lakhs.

2. IYC Europe Exchange Youth Programme participant at Paris, France.

3. Vishal Modi Memorial Award Winner 2019.

4. Zila Gaurav Sammaan, 2019 from state government.

5. Part of the start up named KARKHANA MAKERSPACE which featured as one of the 20 startups across Eastern India.

6. Endorsed 4 brands till now and delivered 3 inspirational talks.

Follow Rahul On Facebook : facebook.com/rahul.kumarbarnwal2

Story Submitted by : Sugandha Sharma
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