Parul Yadav CEO of ‘Asian Alliance India – India’s 1st  PR & Communication Community for Students & Professionals’ Shares Her Vision

Interview with Parul Yadav Founder & CEO ‘Asian Alliance India’

Meet Parul Yadav

Hello readers! I’m Parul Yadav (she/her) a recent English Literature and Philosophy  graduate from Gargi College, University of Delhi. I am the Founder & CEO of India’s 1st  PR & Communication Community for Students & Professionals called Asian Alliance India. We aim to initiate a community where online networking can be turned into various prospects for career enhancement.

We offer volunteer, and ambassador leadership positions for college, and university students across Asia-Pacific. Students lead chapters, and significantly influence the level of involvement in various parts of our targeted regions. These chapters are established as training platforms for students to get real world campaigning, and client exposure.

Furthermore, a LinkedIn community is accessible for networking, finding opportunities, and increasing your industry knowledge.

Being a resilient emerging female entrepreneur, public relations officer, and global career coach in India; I always aim to challenge the status quo, and have a strong commitment to women empowerment, global development and entrepreneurship. My passion for people and all things creative stems from my diverse background in government, literature and public relations.

Throughout my university years, I worked with the public, private and non-profit sector to tackle a variety of social issues and build international approaches towards learning.

Moreover, I have been awarded the title’s of WEDU Rising Star 2021, The Emerging Icon (Creators Category) 2021, and Indian Youth Club Star 2020.

When did you think about Asian Alliance India?

My drive to undertake Asian Alliance India’s project was derived from personal experiences. We launched our project on March 2021.

The PR & Communications industry has a weak reputation but a plethora of potential waiting to be tapped into Asia-Pacific region. Often lack of knowledge and misconceptions around this booming industry create lack of opportunities for Asian ethnic minorities, women and men alike in leadership roles.

Hence, to bridge the gap and evaluate the political, economic and cultural context in which the industry operates, Asian Alliance aims to educate Asian community about the management function of framing the public relations profession as social science and intersecting social values to carry the sustainable responsibility and partnerships.

From whom you got inspiration to start ‘Asian Alliance India’?

I always wanted to contribute to the bigger picture of the public relation, and communications industry by finding actionable ways to improve leadership skills, crafting a compelling vision, having commitment, courage, and flexibility to develop actions.

Thus, I immensely valued the importance of mentor-ship and growth. Many people saw potential in my vision, and invested in my development. This potentially laid a useful foundation and I started implementing my ideas.

However, a person who never left my side and was always there; has to be my mother! 🙂

Parul Yadav | CEO – Asian Alliance India

Explain more about Asian Alliance India, What makes you special from other similar startups?

We are one of a kind project launched in India, and the rest of Asia-Pacific region to initiate a community where online networking can be turned into various prospects for career enhancement.

Asian Alliance India highly values the potential of the Public Relations, and Communications industry, and offers real-world examples of illustrating what can generate a list of skills they believe employers look for. We are better because we incorporate domain general skills such as the ability to communicate clearly and the ability to work with others. Our founder, Parul Yadav is a public relations specialist, and career coaching expert for international education. She creates solutions that impact culture, reshape industries, evoke emotion and can change human behavior creatively.

As an online networking community, our goal is to be as inclusive as possible. Human society without ethics and personalisation seems hollow. Our purpose driven values are adopted and demonstrated with the true purpose of educating, and guiding students, graduates, and emerging practitioners to exhibit authenticity.

Imp Q. What challenges did you face ? How did you overcome it?

In India, people often generalize career paths for women. Gender stereotypes dictate that women are fit for domestic or some creative work, while hard physical labour, or intellectual prowess is reserved for men. These ideas are constantly reinforced by the media and society, making it easy for children to emulate and follow them.

Often been personally held back due to perception of not fitting in the managerial roles because, “I was not tough enough for corporate life or were too young, and emotional to take up the role.” My journey of catalyzing real change has been no less than a roller coaster ride. Born and brought up in Haryana, I came from a humble family background. However, the patriarchal mindsets prevailed throughout the household. While choosing my undergraduate course, I had to go through so much family bias of not pursuing a liberal art course and going into law.

For me, living a full life means being open to experience and persuasion, experimenting endlessly with new arguments and knowledge, risking ridicule by testing new ideas. During my years at university, I volunteered at the women empowerment cells, became a part of women led organizations trying to bring an impact through their special endeavors.

Eventually I grew passionate towards women empowerment, and entrepreneurship to bring opportunities for young women. Society loves the idea to glorify and instill a sense of insecurity into you for the idea of being an entrepreneur. There are pros and cons to it, just like every other experience and I found that that’s the key — realizing that it is an experience, whether you succeed or not.

What is Asian Alliance India’s Funding Status and Future plans?

Asian Alliance India hopes to sustain its growth, and a set of strategies to guide towards new program development, and building a solid financial foundation in below ways:

  • Hire entry level professionals, and young graduates who are motivated and inspired by our value proposition and be a rising change in online global market conditions. Both ways we would be creating internships and employment opportunities for the industry.


  • Adapt our plan to smooth out our communities inefficiency, refine its strengths to better suit market expansion.


  • We would be offering volunteers, and ambassador leadership positions for colleges, and universities across Asia-Pacific to lead chapters, and significantly influence the level of involvement in various parts of our targeted regions.


  • We would establish and train newly elected officers and hand over materials each spring.

Parul Yadav Instagram | LinkedIn

Asian Alliance India Website | LinkedIn

Parul shared a few words about VID at the end

Asian Alliance India is ecstatic to be featured in Viral Indian Diary; a one stop project that amplifies incredible startup stories. Thank you for amplifying our vision and passion! We are truly honored to be involved with your growing community.

Thank you Parul for sharing your wonderful story with us, We wish you all the very best with your startup and future ventures.

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