This Woman Created a FREE GUIDE [Agents Charges in Lakhs] for Those Who are Dreaming of Canada

We are going to share another inspiring story of a woman who made her way to Canada on her own and made this amazing FREE blog to help those who are struggling to find the answers to their basic Canadian immigration queries.

Meet Mapple Dreams Founder

I am Sona, founder of the Mapple Dreams blog, I have done a Master of Computer Application, and working as an IT professional. I was born and raised in Punjab, India. A mom of 1 naughty kiddo. I have recently moved to Canada in 2019 with my family without anyone’s help.

Q. Tell us your story behind ‘Mapple Dreams’?

My dream of moving to Canada started a few years back. I used to research all the day/night online to find the answers of my queries.

It was the time when I was looking for a reliable and authentic sources for my Canada immigration.

I have visited every corner of Punjab (a hub of immigration) to find a reliable consultant, from Chandigarh to Jalandhar, Ludhiana to Bathinda and many other major cities. But end up with no result because everyone was saying that you won’t able to make it due to low CRS points of Express Entry.

Story behind Hiring an Immigration Consultant (Disappointed)

This was the year-end of 2014. My husband and I went to some immigration consultant.

He told us in the upcoming New Year 2015 express entry is going to be launched. We filed our case via agent in 2015.

After calculating my education, IELTS, work experience, spouse points, I got 383 CRS score at that time. As I was having low CRS so agent told me that they will file my case via any PNP options. This was my biggest mistake that I hired an agent for my file.

One year passed due to agent’s negligence and we were now in September 2016. Due to some personal reason we were not able to go anywhere. I was so frustrated at that point and I took my money back from agent (50% got refunded). Another year passed without any result. Two years got wasted during this period.

This was the time when I started processing my file in May or June 2018 again.

Yes, you read it right. I processed my file by my own without anyone’s help.

I still remember that night when I suddenly waked up at around 01:00 AM and started talking to myself in my mind asked myself a question that “Am I uneducated?” and the answer was “No“, Next question was “Where I am going to use my IT profession if I am still hiring a consultant to handle my immigration file?” and the answer was “Do it right now“.

I pulled up my blanket and started creating my express entry profile. Awakened till morning until the profile creation got completed.

To cut the struggling time and whole process, After the 4 years of long struggle my dream finally came true in 2019.

I would like to mention that I have completed the whole Express Entry to PR journey on my own. I have cleared all the hurdles and resolved issues faced during my PR process.

Used to spend endless days/nights for finding solutions to my problems, questions regarding various things were really a very hectic job.

This is how ‘Mapple Dreams’ was born

mapple dreams logo

I used to spend endless days/nights to find a reliable answer to even my single query. Which inspired me to make this FREE “Express Entry to PR” guide blog from my experience to help people struggling with all the basic queries who are dreaming of Canada.

It will save you a lot of money and time which you will be investing in your research.

Most of the consultants charge 50,000 INR to 2,50,000 INR or more (which is an advanced full case processing charges) to create an express entry profile and handle your case. That’s their business they have to do which is totally fine. All the efforts are yours, because after all your CRS points will be calculated as per your profile and your efforts.

No one can do anything to increase your CRS or to get you through the whole PR process.

I am not an expert though nor an immigration consultant, but putting all the authentic information from my experiences just to help people like me.

I have shared all my knowledge in my blog that I have gained from my years of long journey and research.

I will do my best to provide you the most needed, accurate information and I will keep sharing my Canadian experiences as well.

Check My FREE Guides On:

I publish informational vlogs on youtube and my life in Canada as a new immigrant.

Kindly Support me by subscribing my (Mapple Dreams) youtube channel :

Q. Who inspired you to start Mapple Dreams?

‘My frustration’ as mentioned above and ‘My desire’ of providing a FREE knowledge that i have gained from the past many years.

Q. Please Introduce your Co-Founder/Founders and Team.

I along with my husband working on Mapple Dreams. I am just putting my efforts to make it a reliable guide for every new beginner who wants to move and new immigrants who just landed in Canada.

Q. Tell us more about your blog and how is it different from other similar blogs/sites?

There are a lot of youtube channels and immigration companies websites that are providing information on Express Entry stream. But there are very rare individual blogs who are providing detailed information and putting their effort to explain every detailed step. I am just sharing my own experiences and knowledge.  (I am not an agent or consultant or expert)

I have explained every article with detailed information and step-by-step explanation screenshots to make it easy to understand via blog as well as via my youtube channel.

Q. What is the current path, funding status, and future plans?

Currently working on various Provincial Nominee Programs guides. Investing my time and efforts to make it the biggest reliable free source of answers to the questions regarding Express entry to Canada PR process.

Mapple Dream’s Youtube Channel | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Facebook Group

A few words about VID.

Viral Indian Diary is a great platform to share your stories and startup stories. Its an inspirational platform and gives you positive vibes to start something big and achieve something great in your life by reading these motivational inspiring stories. I would like to Thank VID for featuring Mapple Dreams story.

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