ISRO Made Every Indian Beam in Pride by Launching 104 satellites in One Single Rocket PSLV-C37

ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization

ISRO made every Indian beam in pride on 15th February by launching 104 satellites with the help of one single rocket. PSLV-C37 is the rocket that took 104 satellites in the space and established them in orbits.  India also did a great deal of business with this launch because a huge percentage of these satellites were of other countries. It includes satellites of all kinds meant for varied purposes.

Post launch, India has not just made a world record of launching maximum number of satellites through one rocket but has also acquired the attention of people from remotest corners of the world. European space agency has offered ISRO to work on varied space programs in partnership, which certainly is a great achievement for India. With ISRO becoming the center of Commercial Space Work, India will garner some impressive amount of funds to make it self reliant and sufficient in other matters like Defense.

Some of the highlights of the satellite launch and related developments from around the world:

ISRO released a selfie video recorded by PSLV C-37 releasing satellites as it marches into the space. The video showcases satellites coming out of the rocket and settling in their orbits.

PSLV-C37 Camera Video : Watch Here

In Twitter banter with common people, Elon Musk, the Founder of Tesla said, He is impressed with achievements of ISRO and also congratulated ISRO for its achievement. SpaceX is a major challenge for ISRO given it specializes in re-using components for launching space projects, whereas ISRO specializes in launching cost effective projects. In the long run SpaceX may overtake ISRO but for now ISRO has proved its mettle by launching 104 satellites, whereas Space X had to suffer a lot due to its rocket bursting on launch pad last year.

Out of 104, only three satellites where of Indian origin whereas the rest belonged to countries like United States of America; this launch was a huge boost for ISRO’s potential and now it is all set to rope in huge space projects from other countries.

At the end of the day, we all are proud of what ISRO has achieved and we continue to pray for more such achievements.

Pranav Shree: Pranav Shree, Joined VID in 2016, He is residing in the capital city of India, he aims to make a name in the Blogosphere. With a lot of professional writing projects in hand, he is also working hard to acquire the requisite skills of penning down a masterpiece Novella. He has contributed a short story in the anthology—A Phase Unknown-Woman A Tribute. The National Daily Hindustan Times cited him as ‘Perhaps the youngest content writer cum blogger from the State.