It is said that, when you get persistent with something it becomes a part of you. Well excellence is something ISRO has added to its name. ISRO is among the top Indian institution that continues to make us proud. They made us proud by launching a mission to mars that was less costly than popular Hollywood movies then they built a never like system that transforms sea water into potable water.
ISRO continues to make us proud and this time it has shocked the world with the feat it achieved today. Yes! ISRO becomes one of the top Space Organizations to send more than 10 satellites in space via just one rocket. Yes! It may sound astounding but it is as truer as it sounds. ISRO has given us one reason to feign proud being an Indian.
The specifics of launch and mission :
The said mission was not hidden from the outer world. News agencies have been talking about it for quite some time now. It is now only that people have established complete trust over the news.
Here’s what all amazing things ISRO accomplished with this launch:
- It is one out of the 35th consecutive successful missions launched by ISRO. Indian Space Research Organization has developed a record of launching most number of satellites without failing even once.
- It was a multi billion-dollar project and with this launch ISRO has established itself successfully in the International Market.
- Cartostat-2 Satellite weighing 727 kilograms was the main Indian satellite in the mission. The satellite will help India acquire better information regarding roads, Geographical Information System and Land Information System.
- PSLV C-34 carried 20 satellites today from Sri Harikota out of which 17 satellites are of Germany, Canada, Indonesia and US. The weight of PSLV C-34 was around 320 ton.
- There were 12 Dove satellites; all of them weighed around 4.7 kgs. These satellites will be used for earth imaging purposes; Planet Labs based in United States developed them.
- The PSLV C-34 was successful in placing the carried satellites in their designated orbit within 26 minutes after launch from Sri Harikota, which is no less than a record. ISRO continues to improve the efficiency of its rocket with every launch.
- The total weight of the rocket and 20 satellites collectively was approximately 1,288 kilograms
- Out of 20 satellites carried by PSLV C-34, two were student satellites. The Satyabhama Sat were designed by the students of Satyabhama University based in Chennai and Pune’s college of engineering based in Pune.
The rocket was launched at 9:26 am from Satish Dhawan Space Center situated around 100 km away from Chennai. Varied satellites were placed in their orbital within 26 minutes after the launch. It is indeed a moment of proud because 13 out of the 20 satellites were of US.
|Read : Dr. Vikram Sarabhai [Inspirational] Life story of ISRO Founder
Huge congratulations to each and every member who worked hard on this project and has made India really proud.
featured image : ISRO