Story of Dipa Karmakar first Indian to qualify for gymnastics in Rio Olympic 2016

In a country like India where sports is equivalent to Cricket, playing any other sport is no less than a sin. People here are simply ignorant towards other sports and games. India has suffered a lot due to corruption and decrepitude way sport’s institutions function.

While there’s a lot of unwanted criticism and not-so-well-managed infrastructure, there are athletes who cut through the crowd at Olympics and win Medals for us. Abhinav Bindra the first Indian athlete to get a Gold for India Olympics. Vijendra Singh the first ever boxer to get a medal for India in Boxing and then Gagan Narang. All these people have worked hard and proved that there’s no alternative of Hard Work. Well, Dipa Karmakar is just going to be the next big thing for India at Olympics.

According to Hunffington post, In April 2016, Dipa became the first ever Indian Gymnast to qualify for Olympics and today she has entered the fault finals of Rio Olympic 2016 and finish 4th in the Vault Finals. The whole of India prayed for her win and will continue to do so in coming years. Dipa Karmakar has re-written history with her performance in Test Final rounds. She became the fifth person in the whole world to perform Produnova successfully.

Dipa Karmakar is so adamant to win that she celebrated her birthday on 9th August locked in a room practicing for her finals. Her coach had her house-arrested in Rio so that she can avoid unwanted distractions and concentrate on her performance for finals. People will remember her as the first Indian Gymnast to qualify for Olympics and then grabbing the 4th spot in the very first attempt.

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From where does this wonder girl come from and what prepares her to be the best?

Dipa Karmakar was born on 9th August 1993 in Agartala, Tripura India. Dipa Karmakar is not only known for being the first Indian gymnast to qualify for Olympics but also as the first ever Indian Gymnast to win a gold at Common Wealth Games. She happens to be the first ever Gymnast from India to win any medal at any event. GoSports Foundation is the official sponsor of Dipa Karmakar.

According to Wikipedia, Bisweshwar Nandi, her coach started coaching Dipa since she was six years of age. Dipa was flat footed, which is not a good thing for people who perform artistic Gymnast, it is considered as a Bane but Dipa fought against all odds to get a Gold Medal for India at Common Wealth Games and now stood 4th at Rio Olympics 2016.

Bisweshwar Nandi told Firstpost, how difficult it was for them to work on Flat-Feet of Dipa and prepare her for a world level competition. They had to work daily on her foot to make it suitable and strong for jumps.

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Career and Medals:

2011: In the National Games of 2011, Dipa participated in four events namely Vault, Floor, Balance Beam and Uneven Bars. Dipa won Gold Medal in all of these events and announced her arrival in style.

2014: It was the Common Wealth Games of 2014 that brought to her the recognition she deserves. She won a Bronze Medal here and became the first ever Indian Gymnast to win a medal at Common Wealth Games.

2015: At the Asian Championship, in Hiroshima, Dipa won a Bronze medal for India in beam balance event and made every Indian proud.

Dipa might have stood 4th in the medal tally of Vault Finals but her perfect execution and landing impressed the whole damn world. It was just that the competitors were experienced and better than ever.

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Pranav Shree: Pranav Shree, Joined VID in 2016, He is residing in the capital city of India, he aims to make a name in the Blogosphere. With a lot of professional writing projects in hand, he is also working hard to acquire the requisite skills of penning down a masterpiece Novella. He has contributed a short story in the anthology—A Phase Unknown-Woman A Tribute. The National Daily Hindustan Times cited him as ‘Perhaps the youngest content writer cum blogger from the State.