Dr. Harsha Khandelwal, Psychologist, Founder & Director- Corporate Parijat, Shares Her Story

Corporate Parijat Founder

Corporate Parijat Interview & Startup Story

Meet Coporate Parijat’s Founder

I am Dr. Harsha Khandelwal, Psychologist, Founder & Director- Corporate Parijat.

How did you think about starting “Corporate Parijat “?

Working as a counsellor, psychologist, professor, freelancer for 10+ yrs among diversified people and places, observed Mental health at a greater risk among corporate professionals thus ‘Corporate Parijat’ is established to support industries for their human resource development.

We do Psychological assessment, mental health counselling and corporate-industrial training to bring result-oriented transformation.

Who Inspired you to start ‘Corporate Parijat’?

Inspiration! or better say what made us start ‘Corporate Parijat’, the alarming statistical data for the corporate world and poor health-happiness index of the country, it’s high time to address Mental Health & Mind Management at the workplace for refined health, improvised lifestyle, stress management, better performance, sound productivity, and so on.

Who is your mentor?

Our mentor is Mr Kirit Shastri, an experienced corporate professional and all our clients’ encouraging reviews is our driving force.

Introduce your Co-Founder/Founders and Team.

Our team involves great young minds contributing to wellness in the corporate world.

How is ‘Corporate Parijat’ different from other similar startups?

We are a one-stop solution to ‘achieve corporate goals’ (Corporate Parijat’s tagline) exclusively working into Mental Health & Mind Management for businesses by diagnosis (problem identification), counselling and providing customized training modules (problem-solving) by our expert team.

The sessions are guaranteed refreshing-learning-experiential.

What challenges did you face while setting up “Corporate Parijat”?

Alike many around in this scenario, the ‘pandemic’, but we have swiftly shifted to online mode and doing equally well within virtual boundaries and connecting people digitally.

What’s the Current Path, “Corporate Parijat’s Funding Status and What are the Future plans?

We are connecting the clients through digital marketing; so far the investment made is through our earlier savings and considering the relevance in academic institutions

we are soon coming up with such training packages for students and faculty.

Corporate Parijat’s Website | Facebook | LinkedIn

Dr. Harsha shares a few words about VID

We congratulate & appreciate team VID for their fine work, enthusiasm, cooperation and contribution in bringing start-ups to light and insight to the prospective start-ups to understand the journey of start-ups to the aspiring persons so that more entrepreneurs bloom in India.

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