Amit Singhal’s Success Story, The Head of Google Search

Amit Singhal is a software engineer and senior vice president at Google Search. Amit Singhal is the idol of millions of tech people from around the world. Amit Singhal is everything kids these days want to be. Amit is also an important part of the Google’s Core ranking team and has huge contribution in decision-making.

Quick Bio of The Head of Google Search:

Amitabh Kumar Amit Singhal was born in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh in India. He graduated as a computer engineer from the reputed IIT Roorkee and since then he has never looked back. He went ahead to be a part of the prestigious Cornell University; he completed his Phd there and is now serving as a senior vice president at Google—the Internet giant.

Early Life

Amit Singhal is very much vocal about his amazing journey, he has been really active on varied social media platforms and have always taken pleasure in sharing his story and inspiring kids to achieve great things in life. He remembers himself as the kid roaming in the arms of Himalayan Ranges thinking about Star Trek and aiming to meet them once.

Before joining Google, Amit had worked at AT&T labs, which now is a part of the Bell Labs. It was the year of 2000, when one of his friends persuaded him to join Google and put his amazing digital skills at the right use. It’s been fifteen years since Amit joined Google and he surely has served the enterprise with all heart.


In the year of 2011, Amit Singhal was inducted as the Fellow Member for the Association for Computer Machinery. Amit Singhal was also named as one of the smartest member of the tech community by Fortune.

In the year 2011, The Asian Awards gave him the award for Outstanding Achievement in Science and Technology.

He is also a proud member of National Academy of Engineering.

Contribution to Google

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Amit Singhal is a man of an impressive stature; he has been an essential pillar in the development of the Modern Google Search. Amit Singhal’s ability to innovate and his technical understanding have pushed him across varied roadblocks.

People who worked with Amit Singhal have always cited him as an inspiration, he has always been inspiring his team to innovate and cut cost in order to make programs viable and entertaining.

Amit’s simple approach towards life has helped him a lot in his career. Amit is someone who keeps looking for opportunity, What’s Next? Seems to be his favorite phrase. He has now matured at Google and is looking forward to the better things in life.

Amit has always been very vocal about his opinions and ideas; while the Google might miss him but the world will see something new and refreshing from him. Amit has already started looking for things to do in future. One long vacation and he is going to hit the chord like never before. He aims to deliver better technology and technical products to the world. 

Singhal Info talks about the varied ideas and publications he has worked upon. The array of contribution to the technical world is hugely appreciated across the world. Singhal is one mind that a lot of Internet based companies tried to acquire but working with Google, Singhal achieved things, he would have not achieved at other’s place. Today the world looks up at him in admiration and everyone listens when he speaks, he has the ability and power to change the world with hid decisions and also by empowering lives of millions with amazing technologies.

Current Life

Amit Singhal retires from the post of Senior Vice President at Google on 26th February 2016. He has been looking for amazing opportunities to pursue once he retires from Google. In one of the letters he wrote publicly, he speculated the possibilities of trying new things for the next fifteen years of his life.

Amit Singhal is very much active with publication. He publishes one or two research paper every now and then. He aims to give his best to the tech world. He identifies the potential of the contemporary tech and aspires to see them changing the world.

“UMD was the turning point in my life. Studying Information Retrieval with Don Crouch and then Don recommending that I move to Cornell to study with Gerard Salton, is the main reason behind my success today. Don gave me the love for search, I have just followed my passion ever since.”

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Amit Singhal’s Interview on NDTV :

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