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Viral Indian Diary is an Indian motivational, inspirational, success, startup stories diary to inspire and encourage youth.

(VID is a Non-Funded, Non-Political, Unbiased platform since 2015).

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Note: We don’t run any third-party ads, the platform is solely promoting startups and small/medium businesses (SMBs). That’s the only way we earn revenue and run the platform.

Ads Formats:

-Banner Ads Formats-

-Sample- Banner AD displayed on PC + Side Bar

-Sample- Banner AD displayed on Mobile

-Inside Every Article Ads Format-

-Sample- Inside every article AD displayed on PC

-Sample-Inside every article AD displayed on MOBILE
Note: We do not promote, Casinos/Gambling, adult, violence, drug-related content or anything which is illegal or can disturb the sentiments of anyone, or create any kind of negative impact, we will not accept that.